Word of the Day Tab



Learn a new word each day!
Expand your vocabulary with this Edge extension that features a new word and it's definition each day on your new tab. The extension also features a rotating photo background and a web search provided by Yahoo.

Note: By installing this extension, the search bar on your new tab will be replaced with a search featuring Yahoo results. It will not change the default search in your address bar.

Host Permission Justification:
The extension pulls data from the wordnik.com api for the word of the day and unsplash.com for the photo background.

Privacy Policy: https://wordofthedaytab.com/privacy-policy/
Terms of Service: https://wordofthedaytab.com/terms-of-service/
About Us: https://wordofthedaytab.com/about-us/
Contact Us: https://wordofthedaytab.com/contact/
How to Uninstall: https://wordofthedaytab.com/uninstall/

