Switch all websites to dark mode. You can darken all sites and also customize colors for the sites you want.
The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Edge, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the screen at night.
1. Turn on/off the dark mode manually:
+ After installing the Super Dark Mode, you need to reload all opened sites.
+ Click on the extension icon to turn on/off the dark mode or use shortcut: Ctrl+Q. You can change the shortcut-key on Advanced Settings Menu.
2. Automatic schedule:
+ Right click on the extension icon.
+ Choose "Options".
+ Navigate to "Automatic Schedule", and Enable "Auto ON/OFF" in the section 1.
3. Exclude/Include a site from the dark mode:
+ Right click on the site.
+ Choose "Super Dark Mode" > "Disable/Enable SDM for this site".
4. Customize colors for websites:
– On the option page, navigate to "General Dark Themes", choose "Modern Dark Theme".
– Change all colors you want.
5. Reduce brightness/contrast: on the option page, navigate to "Advanced settings", and adjust the value bar.
6. Custom the Global CSS:
+ On the option page, navigate to "Custom CSS", and write CSS rules.
+ Hit the "Save and Apply" button.
7. Add the pattern to the background: On the option page, navigate to "Advanced Settings", and Check on "Enable Pattern".
We hope you enjoy it!