Fintest Pro – Your Exploratory test companion



Exploratory software testing tool. Find and share defects. Track your exploratory testing activities. Run tests to find bugs early./r/nRun exploratory tests, capture defects, find anomalies, and share them using Fintest Pro.

Based on 25 years of experience in the software quality assurance field, Fintest Pro provides software testers with the tools they need to explore applications, find bugs, validate changes, and share findings with their team.

With Fintest Pro, you can:
Keep notes on what needs to be tested, and why it needs to be tested
Track questions and issues
Share findings with colleagues
Execute tests
Validate changes
Save reports

During exploratory test execution, testers can,
Determine Test Coverage – take notes on the coverage of test cases,
Report bugs – take screenshots or record a video of a sequence of steps
Log Risks – Note which risks need to be covered and which are all important ones
Track Test Execution Log – Recordings on the test execution
Raise Issues / Queries – Take notes on the question and issues on the system

Use Fintest Pro to:
• Leverage requirements to explore an application
• Determine test cases during testing
• Investigate a system or application
• Investigate and learn new features
• Improve test design
• Create test or product documentation

With access to multiple integrations — Fintest Pro is your hub for sharing and reporting bugs.

Resources can be backed up to the cloud, or kept locally in the browser for more privacy.

Fintest Pro, Your Exploratory Testing Companion!

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