


Say Hello to SmartSpending™ – Your helpful discounts companion!

Find great savings on your favorite websites with the SmartSpending™ extension. You’ll get notified of any available discounts in real-time, maximizing your savings.

How it works
– Sign in using the same details you use to sign in to your Discounts website. That will activate the extension for you.
– Browse all your favorite online stores, just as you normally would.
– If an online discount is available by the retailer, we’ll show you a helpful notification in the top right corner.
– By clicking on the Check Offer button you’ll be navigated to the retailer page and all available discounts you can take advantage of.

We partner with the best brands globally in all key categories:
🎟Cinemas & days out
🏖 Travel
🍽 Eating out
🏬 Department stores

The best part is, it comes FREE with your Discount website at work.

